Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Feeling of Failure

I just got my grades today from the university. I wasn't expecting much at all since I didn't actually study the way a student should. So I wasn't shocked, not even surprised when I looked at my grading sheet and see a lot of zero units passed. I only passed 33.33% of my subjects. Out of nine units, only three units made it. I feel disappointed of myself of course. What the hell am I doing? So naturally I'll have to repeat my failed subjects all over again. I am feeling a bit scared about the notion but I don't have a choice, do I.

Tomorrow is enrollment day and I made up my mind that I will not fail again. I hate failing and losing so I had to hit myself in the head and promise myself that I ain't going to fail and lose again. I may be a loser today but I am not a loser tomorrow. Tomorrow is always a new day giving us a new chance not to do the mistakes we did yesterday. And I am taking that chance. No matter how huge the risks and obstacles may be, I will face them and conquer them. I'm tired failing. It's about time that I treat myself to the prize of winning something from hard work, determination and patience.

This is a very hard goal for me, considering the fact that I am what you call a lazy and idle person. But people change, don't they. And I am hoping that I will be among those people who will be able to do so:TO CHANGE.

1 comment:

ambersoul said...

hmmm interesting.. i guess we share the same obstacle.

i was surprised you dropped by my blog. ex-links? if you won't mind..

change is the most constant thing in this world. carry on. lets dust ourselves off and pick us up where we stumbled. don't worry, this hand is ready to grab you when you start to lose focus. hehe