Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I did nothing today except read and browse over magazine after magazine. I knew that today was going to be a free day for me so I took my time yesterday to go to the Book Sale store in SM and grab copies of the magazines on sale. I ourchased a total of seventeen assorted magazines for a prize of only 147 pesos. Not bad, eh. They're actually cheap because most are previous issues. To prove it, I got this Reader's Digest issue that dates way back to 2003. I don't honestly care, I don't even look at the release dates because in the first place, most magazines aren't like newspapers that lose their value in time. Magazine articles retain their importance, even increase it during the passage of time.

Most of the magazines I purchased were American. I have a copy of the New Yorker. I love this magazine because of it's utmost focus to literary perfection. I also have a few copies of Reader's Digest, National Geographic and a couple of men's magazines.

I am planning to resell these magazines after I finish reading them. There is this store at the Maharlika Livelihood Center at the foot of Session Road that buys old magaines and books. I'm looking forward to reagaining the money I spent purchasing the magazines.

Monday, October 29, 2007


It is not very often that I enter movie theaters nowadays because of the consistent crap that Hollywood keeps on churning out. Same with the local movie industry. The movies aren't just getting any better. They are getting more and more unwatchable, in fact.

But because of today's unbearable boredoom, I still went out to watch Resident Evil: Extinction. I went expecting another repeat of the first movie on the franchise but fortunate to say, I had the wrong expectations. The truth is, the movie was beyond my expectations.

Visual-wise, it's stunning. Action-wise, it's pretty damn good. the scenes are high-flying.

The plot was a bit simplified so it's real easy to follow the story.

A few details about the protagonist's history were as well revealed. Like as to how she became this gun-toting woman warrior and as to why people are desperately hunting her down.

No doubt about it, of the three Resident Evil movies, Exctinction is by far the best.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Feeling of Failure

I just got my grades today from the university. I wasn't expecting much at all since I didn't actually study the way a student should. So I wasn't shocked, not even surprised when I looked at my grading sheet and see a lot of zero units passed. I only passed 33.33% of my subjects. Out of nine units, only three units made it. I feel disappointed of myself of course. What the hell am I doing? So naturally I'll have to repeat my failed subjects all over again. I am feeling a bit scared about the notion but I don't have a choice, do I.

Tomorrow is enrollment day and I made up my mind that I will not fail again. I hate failing and losing so I had to hit myself in the head and promise myself that I ain't going to fail and lose again. I may be a loser today but I am not a loser tomorrow. Tomorrow is always a new day giving us a new chance not to do the mistakes we did yesterday. And I am taking that chance. No matter how huge the risks and obstacles may be, I will face them and conquer them. I'm tired failing. It's about time that I treat myself to the prize of winning something from hard work, determination and patience.

This is a very hard goal for me, considering the fact that I am what you call a lazy and idle person. But people change, don't they. And I am hoping that I will be among those people who will be able to do so:TO CHANGE.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

God Being Chauffeured by the Pope

I stumbled upon this short but beautiful anecdote which was a part of an article on the business section of the Philippine Daily Inquirer and written by Ron Nathan.

Enjoy the story.

As everyone knows, the current Pope is German and that before he entered the priesthood, he drove fast cars. Nowadays, of course, he has to sit at the back of the bulletproof Popemobile. However, he has never lost his love of driving. On a long journey to a distant town, he asked the chauffeur if they could change places.

“I’m sorry, Your Holiness, but I cannot allow any harm to befall you and if anyone found out, I would lose my job,” the chauffeur said.

“I understand,” said the Pope. But he persisted nevertheless. Eventually they reached a rarely used road where the speed limit was 120 kph. Reluctantly, and with grave misgivings, he and the chauffeur switched places and clothes.

As soon as the Pope had the wheel, he put his foot down and soon the car was hurtling forward at 180 kph. The car was picked up by a radar trap.

“I got one, Captain,” said the police officer. “He’s doing 180!”

“Bring him in,” said the captain. “I don’t care who it is.”

The offer made the arrest but told the captain, “He’s very important.”

“I don’t care if it’s the mayor,” said the captain.

“No sir,” he’s bigger than that.

“I don’t care if it’s the senator.”

“Sir, he’s bigger than that.”

“Look, I don’t care if it’s the President.”

“Sir, he’s more important than the President.”

“Well, who on earth can it be?”

“Sir, I think it’s God. He’s being chauffeured by the Pope.”

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Heavenly Dogs

I do a lot of thinking about heavenly matters these days. I am not an astronaut unlike Yuri Gagarin nor am I an astronomer unlike our brothers in NASA. Therefore, when I speak of heavenly matters, I speak not of planets, asteroids, moons, that way that is rather milky or anything along that line. I care not whether Pluto is a planet or not. The only Pluto I care about is that crazy dog from Disney. So let me safely leave the planet of Pluto to the descendants of the great Galileo. They have the telescopes, the expertise and planetary obsession which I obviously do not have. The universe is there heaven not mine.

The heaven I know is the one taught to me by the gurus of religion and spirituality. I assume that you know exactly what I mean. Well, in case you haven't been to church for the last twenty years, let me refresh your heavenly memory. First, heaven is a place where men with white bird wings walk the streets. Earth dwellers like me and you call them angels. Second, sickness is non-existent there. This means doctors, nurses and medical workers are jobless when they go there because there are no sick people up there. Third, people there are forever happy. Therfore, Stephen King novels and sad movies are prohibited because they make people unhappy.

Well, there you go. I hope that was enough to refresh your memory. But if the idea of heaven still hasn't got into you, I think it's about time you consider buying that book they call the Bible.

Now, my problem is that I've grown tired of this "heaven" thing. It's so everywhere that the idea is increasingly turning into a boring idea. The balding parish priest in our church keeps babbling about it over and over again without any new detail. People, the likes of Joel Osteen keep on writing about it but their ideas are simply recycled from the Bible among other things. Pastors on TV like Benny Hinn talk about it like it's a gold bar with peanut butter on the sides. But all I see are cheap burgers with no cheese on it.

Yet, after all these exposures to heaven, I still have a three year old boy's concept about it.

So this led me to ask a lot of unnecessary heavenly questions. The most unnecessary of them all was;"Are there dogs in heaven?". I wish you to think about it. Don't mind the stupidity of the inquiry, simply give it a thought(if you know how to think). All I keep hearing about heaven are angels and cherubs and some white guys playing some harps. I didn't hear about dogs playing and prancing among heavenly clouds. Servants of God say that everyone is super-happy up there. But in case you are a dog lover like me and that there are no dogs up there, well, you won't be happy. Dogs make me happy but there are no dogs in heaven so I might as well try my luck in hell. Who knows, I might find down there demons walking their demon dogs around Hell Park.

As for now, no priest nor pastor can tell me if dogs do exist up there. There is as well no scientific evidence to prove it. So I believe it's a great surprise perfected by God to awe those entering the gates of heaven.

To end my nonsense, I have but one assumption as to why I think there are no dogs in heaven. If there are dogs up there, then it would be raining dog poops right now. Just imagine all the dog souls that go to heaven considering the fact that hundreds are being butchered right now to satisfy the taste buds of Filipino mouths.